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HIP Council Reflections and Expectations

At the September 10th HIP Council meeting, partners were invited to join the Clinician Resource Call for COVID-19 Response scheduled for Tuesdays from 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM. This is a call hosted by HIP on behalf of the County Health Services Agency.

The rest of the meeting time was allocated to partner reflections who shared about the past six months and their expectations on how they will continue adapting to the COVID-19 crisis for the next six months.

Echoed throughout the conversation were expressed feelings of grief for the loss of lives, income, dangerous fires, and the overall stress we are feeling as a country. However, the group is hopeful overall and remains committed to serving the community during this unprecedented time.

COVID-19 has revealed the prevalence of homelessness, health inequality, and systematic racism. Many partners are planning to focus on these issues in the near future through collaboration.

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